The act or process of making a written, printed, or typed copy of words that have been spoken
A written, printed, or typed copy of words that have been spoken
academic transcription Excellent interview, focus group, meeting, and podcast transcripts for research projects, blogs, online and offline publications, theses, dissertations, fundraising.
corporate / event transcription Analyst calls, conference calls, conferences, media interviews, meetings, panels, public relations, roundtables, seminars, symposia, workshops.
flash transcription Professional transcripts from online media: lectures, webinars, podcasts. Make your YouTube content easily searchable on the Internet.
podcast transcription We love transcribing podcasts, and we specialize in science and technology. Transcribing GRC’s award-winning Security Now! podcast since 2005.
video transcription Professional transcripts for video production, including time code at desired intervals.
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